Denver Doctor - How We Get You Well

Dr. Singer Can Help You To Get Well

Dr. Singer's goal is to provide you with the best and most effective medical care you have ever received. If you have a serious chronic condition, it may help you to know that it will take time to reverse a process that has developed over many years. There is no quick fix or magic bullet available for most chronic degenerative disorders. It takes a physician like Dr. Singer to apply good, scientific medical knowledge to help the healing process begin.

This approach requires office visits that typically include: an initial consultation visit to gather a detailed history, a comprehensive physical examination visit including the ordering of necessary testing, a health recovery - recommended action plan visit, and follow-up visits to measure your progress and make any necessary changes.

Initial Consultation

After you complete a detailed and comprehensive medical history form, Dr. Singer will sit down with you and take time to listen to your health concerns, what you want and what you would like to change. He will review your history carefully with you, and fully answer in a non-technical way any questions you may have. No jargon or doctor-speak, just real answers in a straight-forward manner that most patients find refreshing and revealing.

If you have an acute or urgent medical condition, a pertinent physical examination will be given, laboratory tests may be ordered and initial treatment will be given to relieve your urgent symptoms until he can gather all of the facts about your more chronic problems.

Note: Dr. Singer doesn't try to squeeze in a comprehensive, full physical exam during the initial consultation. He has found that taking a thorough medical history and a focused physical examination of pertinent areas helps zero in on the most likely causes of your health problems. A fuller, more comprehensive physical will be done at the next visit to fine tune and expand upon initial impressions.

Comprehensive Physical Examination and Diagnostic Testing Visit

Based on the results of your history and physical, Dr. Singer may recommend the need for laboratory testing, radiologic examination (MRI, CT, ultrasound or xray)and any specific diagnostic testing needed to more completely identify the root cause of your health problems. He'll discuss reasons for each test and the testing options available to you as well as approximate costs involved. He will explain how to proceed with testing, which tests are most important to obtain right away and which can be done later on. Lab tests, if indicated will be taken and other necessary testing will be scheduled for you at this visit.

Adequate diagnostic testing is necessary in order to avoid guesswork or merely treat superficial problems. We have found that you'll recover your health more quickly if the most important factors causing your health problems are focused upon.

In many situations, only diagnostic lab testing can reveal these crucial factors. Dr. Singer uses the latest and most accurate scientific testing available to help you have the best chance at recovery from your illness.

Health Recovery Plan Visit

After your history, physical and tests have been reviewed, Dr. Singer will formulate a personal and comprehensive recommended action plan for you. In that visit, he will go over the plan with you, make modifications if necessary, and get your approval. This will be your roadmap to follow until you have recovered your health.

Follow-Up Visits.

Dr. Singer will review your progress on a regular basis and make course corrections as needed. Remember, as you get better, your treatment will need to be modified. Follow-up visits help you to stay committed to an overall plan, ensure a better outcome and saves you money by avoiding unnecessary treatment.

You will need to be persistent in following your recommended action plan. Dr. Singer will regularly evaluate your progress so that we know how you're improving. If you consistently follow the recommended treatment plan, it may take days, weeks or many months before you see lasting major improvements. Treating and correcting the cause of illness, in contrast to covering up the symptoms of an illness, always takes time -typically as much time as it took for the problem to establish itself originally.

Healing almost never occurs in a straight-line manner, there are mostly improvements and occasional setbacks. But if you follow a scientific approach and try to address the real underlying cause of your illness, healing takes place with steady improvement because the body always wants to heal itself.

Remember your body will heal itself if you try not to get in its way with heavy-handed, unnatural treatment. If we just give it a little push in the right direction you'll do very well. That's what we can do for you!

» How to Get Started on the Road to Optimal Health


Denver Doctor - Jonathan Singer

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Dr. Singer's goal is to provide you with the best and most effective medical care you have ever received. If you have a serious chronic condition, it may help you to know that it will take time to reverse a process that has developed over many years. There is no quick fix or magic bullet available for most chronic degenerative disorders. It takes a physician like Dr. Singer to apply good, scientific medical knowledge to help the healing process begin.

Dr. Jonathan Singer

Dr. Jonathan Singer
Health First

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This is what one of Dr. Singer's patients had to say...

A real blessing to have found you. All my friends I sent to you agree with me, we were lucky to have found you. Why don't other doctors know this?
Lone Tree, CO
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