Cult Of The Jig

Click here for Cult Of The Jig (Real Player Streaming Video) or Download

Click here for: Cult Of The Jig (Ogg Vorbis Dance Music) 8:58 minutes

Who knows how to make everything good? Who knows how to dance like we should? Who knows we could?

Well, some people ask me, "what's your gig?"

The Cult Of The Jig!


Somebody asked...
Q: What's this gig?

A: The Cult of the jig.

Gives your punch,
A spike.

Lot's of people asking...
Q: What's this gig?

A: The Cult of the jig.

If anyone asks you,
What's your gig...
And, you're feelin'
Too BIG...

Come to the Cult of the Jig

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